Mira Rajan is to be noted for her continuing
attempts to discover moral rights issues where others have not and would not.
She has an interesting guest post on the notable 1709 blog entitled "Is Apple deleting the history of music? Moral rights on iTunes".
With all respect, her argument is very unconvincing.
It must be noted that Apple (iTunes) and Amazon are
American companies and moral rights cannot be found in the American Copyright
Act for performers or anyone else other than visual artists.
At present, there simply are no moral rights in
performer’s performances in Canada. If and when Bill C-11 passes, performers
will have these rights but only prospectively. Moreover, the right of association
or (or attribution as she calls it) will be clearly qualified by the wording “where reasonable in the circumstances”.
This clearly means that there is no need to credit the
third desk violists or even the bass clarinetist (which I was) in a symphonic
or operatic performance. The side persons in a small ensemble may present a
closer case, but there can be no “one size fits all” rule. Besides, moral
rights can always be waived and this would be the case in the new law. Canadian
law does not require that waivers be in writing and a sufficient waiver may be
implied in the circumstances. Arguably, this would be the case for many session
musicians or even sidemen who were and are used to being nameless – even on old
record jackets or inserts (remember when?) where there was plenty of room to
list their names.
I agree that more information is better for cultural
and historical purposes. However, the market and not moral rights law will probably fill the void – i.e.www.IMDb.com I believe that
there are other databases already existing that provide metadata for many CD
era recordings.
As to providing the wrong track, that’s perhaps an
isolated programming glitch in her example and someone might want to get their
get their 99 cents back. But unless there’s a deliberate attempt to pass a Keith
Jarrett improvisation off as Horowitz playing Scriabin (or other such
unpleasant surprise), I don’t see any IP problem - much less a moral rights
As for using single tracks from an album rather than
the whole album, or even single movements – what else has radio been doing for
the last 100 years or so? How does
selling a single track at a time harm a performer’s honour or reputation? Again,
there’s probably at least an implied waiver here. Recording artists know that
this will happen. They can try to work around it – like Gould if they are in
his league – or they can live with it. But it’s rarely if ever going to be a
moral rights issue.
Anyway, the bottom line is that there are presently no
moral rights for performers in Canada or the USA. I can’t speak for elsewhere.
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