Creator Affiliates of Access Copyright have just received the following by email (highlight added):
Dear Access Copyright affiliate,
As indicated in an e-mail message sent earlier by Andrea Jardine, Circum Network Inc. has been tasked by Access Copyright with conducting an important survey of its creator affiliates. The survey aims to gain an understanding of the importance of royalties and writing and publishing income to authors and visual artists. It also includes questions about the potential impact on you of the fair dealing policies that have recently been implemented by some Canadian universities and colleges.
The information you will supply will remain strictly confidential. Identifiable individual responses will not be communicated to Access Copyright or any other agency. Only percentages and averages will be made available.
You can access your own personal questionnaire at the following address (please don't share this address with anyone as it will accept only one set of answers and it must be yours):
(address redacted XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
The survey takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete depending on your personal circumstances. You may interrupt the survey at any time by closing your browser window and resume using the same Web address above.
Please complete the survey no later than August 11, 2013 so that your views can be factored into the analysis and the report.
Yours sincerely,
Benoît Gauthier, president, Circum Network Inc.

The highlighted portion suggests that Access Copyright continues to be "in denial" with respect to the Supreme Court of Canada's trilogy of fair dealing decisions and Bill C-11, which was proclaimed into law on November 7, 2012. It will be interesting to see if AC attempts to use this survey at the Copyright Board or in its litigation against York University, concerning which York has yet to respond publicly.


PS - the above was written before I looked at and responded to the survey in my capacity as an AC creator affiliate. I may or may not follow up on this survey in this forum.