Here are the
latest docket entries for T-2090-14 from the Federal Court dealing with the litany of
litigation totaling 13 lawsuits against the Federal Government or its agencies.
Reading this and the suggestion by iPolitics quoted recently by me here, it would seem to appear that Blacklock’s wants to
stay all of these lawsuits other than T-117-17 Blacklock’s v. Attorney General
of Canada re Health Canada for $90,100.55 + punitive damages of $25,000.
Entry Summary
dated 09-MAR-2017 rendered by Mireille Tabib, Prothonotary Matter considered
with personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Case
Management Conference Result: 1. The Plaintiff shall, no later than March 21, 2017, serve and file a
motion record on any motion to stay any or all of the related actions in
favour of another. A single motion record, in three copies, may be
filed in respect of all of the related actions to which it relates. Such
motion record is to be filed in Court file T-2090-14, and shall bear the
style of cause and file numbers of all actions to which it relates. 2. The
responding motion record of the Attorney General shall be served and filed no
later than April 4, 2017. The
Attorney General¿s motion record may contain a cross-motion for alternate
remedies, and may likewise be filed as a single record for all relevant
actions, in three copies, in Court file T-2090-14. 3. The Plaintiff
maye serve and file a responding motion record to the cross-motion(s), by
April 18, 2017. The Plaintiff may address all cross-motion(s) of the Attorney
General in a single record, to be filed in T-2090-14, in three copies. 4. The motion for a stay will be
heard in Ottawa beginning at 9:30 a.m. on May 2, 2017 for a duration not
exceeding three hours. Filed on 09-MAR-2017 certified copies sent to
parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book,
volume 1328 page(s) 259 - 260 Interlocutory Decision
06-MAR-2017 BEFORE Mireille Tabib, Prothonotary Language: E Before the Court:
Case Management Conference Result of Hearing: An Order will issue;
T-117-17/T-132-17/T-133-17/T-134-17 will be added as related newly case
managed files held in chambers by way of Conference Call Duration per day:
06-MAR-2017 from 10:00 to 11:10 Courtroom : Judge's Chambers - Ottawa Court
Registrar: Christen Clement Total Duration: 1h10min Appearances: Yavar Hameed
613-627-2974 representing Plaintiff Alex Kaufman & Sarah Sherhols
613-670-6294 representing Defendant Andrea Pitts 613-787-3576 representing
Defendant Allan Matte 819-994-2226 representing Defendant Ariel Thomas
613-696-6879 representing Defendant Comments: The following files were all
heard together: T-2090-14/T-269-15/T-477-15/
T-745-15/T-897-15/T-1085-15/T-1234-15/T-1726-15/T-1862-15/T-2042-16 Minutes
were taken in T-2090-14 only. Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 971 page(s)
80 - 90 Abstract of Hearing placed on file
(highlight added)
Blacklock’s had previously unsuccessfully appealed an order of March 3, 2016 by Mme Prothonotary
Tabib imposing a stay on nine of the ten
actions at the time against the Federal Government or its agencies about a year
Now Blacklock’s seems to want
to call time out – apparently on all but one of its now baker’s dozen of such cases.
It’s unusual to start and then seek to stay one’s own action. Indeed, the Federal
Court generally pushes these things along according to the clear timelines set
out in the Rules, which can be adjusted as appropriate by the efficient case
management practices of the case management judges, in this instance Mme
Prothonotary Tabib. The days of long, leisurely and frequent adjournments and
delays in civil litigation are long over. An action that has been started and
stayed can still run up costs for a defendant – and may, whether rightly or
wrongly, put pressure on a party to settle the litigation.
Blacklock’s has lost virtually
every important procedural and substantive battle to date in the Federal Court.
Its Small Claims Court victory is of essentially
no legal consequence. Blacklock’s is also appealing the $65,000 costs order
from its major loss in the first Federal Court case to go to trial. As I have said,
such appeals are rarely successful. Has
Blacklock’s bitten off more than it can chew?
On the other hand, will
the Federal Government and its agencies – many but not all of which are being
represented by the same counsel at the Department of Justice – want to fight
several cases at once, despite having far more resources than Blacklock’s? Are there common issues than can be dealt
with early in a way that might best serve judicial economy, Canadian taxpayers
and, indeed, Blacklock’s itself? It will be interesting to see how the
Government responds to Blacklock’s apparent new strategy of start, stay and
delay in its litany of litigation.
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