Intellectual property law is good. Excess in intellectual property law is not. This blog is about excess in IP and related law. I have practiced law with prestigious firms and successfully acted for interveners in several important Supreme Court cases. I've also been in government & academe. My views are purely personal. Nothing on this blog should be taken as legal advice. I am a policy provocateur and currently not practising law. My email address is
With all respect, her argument is very unconvincing.
It must be noted that Apple (iTunes) and Amazon are
American companies and moral rights cannot be found in the American Copyright
Act for performers or anyone else other than visual artists.
At present, there simply are no moral rights in
performer’s performances in Canada. If and when Bill C-11 passes, performers
will have these rights but only prospectively. Moreover, the right of association
or (or attribution as she calls it) will be clearly qualified by the wording “where reasonable in the circumstances”.
This clearly means that there is no need to credit the
third desk violists or even the bass clarinetist (which I was) in a symphonic
or operatic performance. The side persons in a small ensemble may present a
closer case, but there can be no “one size fits all” rule. Besides, moral
rights can always be waived and this would be the case in the new law. Canadian
law does not require that waivers be in writing and a sufficient waiver may be
implied in the circumstances. Arguably, this would be the case for many session
musicians or even sidemen who were and are used to being nameless – even on old
record jackets or inserts (remember when?) where there was plenty of room to
list their names.
I agree that more information is better for cultural
and historical purposes. However, the market and not moral rights law will probably fill the void – I believe that
there are other databases already existing that provide metadata for many CD
era recordings.
As to providing the wrong track, that’s perhaps an
isolated programming glitch in her example and someone might want to get their
get their 99 cents back. But unless there’s a deliberate attempt to pass a Keith
Jarrett improvisation off as Horowitz playing Scriabin (or other such
unpleasant surprise), I don’t see any IP problem - much less a moral rights
As for using single tracks from an album rather than
the whole album, or even single movements – what else has radio been doing for
the last 100 years or so? How does
selling a single track at a time harm a performer’s honour or reputation? Again,
there’s probably at least an implied waiver here. Recording artists know that
this will happen. They can try to work around it – like Gould if they are in
his league – or they can live with it. But it’s rarely if ever going to be a
moral rights issue.
Anyway, the bottom line is that there are presently no
moral rights for performers in Canada or the USA. I can’t speak for elsewhere.
So why the difference?
AC has suddenly
and conveniently determined that “Although we have little data regarding
digital copying on campuses, historical coursepack usage data indicates that
universities copy 2.6 times more than colleges.”
This appears to
justify why the ACCC license is for $10 and the AUCCC model license is for $26.
But is there any evidence to support either figure?
The previous ACCC rates
per FTE and per page were the same as the AUCC rate, namely $3.38 and $0.10 per
page each. Here’s anexample
of a community college agreement.
AC originally sought
$45 per FTE from universities and $35 per FTE from colleges.
So why does ACCC deal now
appear to be a MUCH better deal than that of AUCC ($26) or UofT/UWO ($27.50)?
Is the discrepancy in copying quantity between universities and colleges really
so great?
However, it’s not that
the ACCC deal is so good. It isn’t – given the CCH decision from 2004 and the
imminently expected legislation, not to mention the forthcoming Supreme Court
decisions which are likely to make things better and not worse for the educators than the status
quo. It’s just that it makes the AUCC and UofT/Western deals look even worse
than they are. And they already looked pretty bad in the eyes of most both interested
and independent observers.
Indeed, the ACCC deal is about three times more expensive than the American CCC rate which most institutions don't bother using - which is now very problematic anyway given the recent Georgia State decision. Canada is way out of line with the USA, Seehereand here. Aprominent American law firm has now weighed in questioning why Canadian institutions would pay to do what may now be or soon will be legal anyway because:
Some critics argue that such a license is unnecessary, because
educators are already permitted to copy approximately that amount
without a license under existing Canadian law, or at least they will be
upon the passage of Bill C-11, which is currently pending before Parliament.
None of these figures
make very much sense – especially when compared to each other. Students, academic
staff and taxpayers will expect some answers.
Meanwhile, other questions
will arise. Will many ACCC members sign on? Will there be a “limited time”
offer re retroactivity discount? Will ACCC abruptly withdraw its objection at
the Copyright Board and abandon its membership, as did AUCC? What is the future
of the Board hearing?
PS - York University has just announced that "After careful review, a decision has been made that York University will not be entering into the Access Copyright licence agreement that was negotiated by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)." York is the latest entry on Prof. Ariel Katz's Hall of F/Sh/ame.
The Supreme Court of Canada has just
granted leave to appeal in three related copyright cases involving Cinar, Ronald Weinberg, the
Estate of Micheline Charest (Weinberg's late wife), Claude Robinson,
BBC et al.
It’s about how a concept for Robinson Curiosité became a series entitled
Robinson Sucroë.
Here’s the Supreme
Court of Canada “summary”, which seems to be similar in all three cases 34466,
34467, and 34468.
Case summaries are prepared by the Office of the
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch) for information purposes
Intellectual property – Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.
C 42 – Infringement – Evidence – Steps and tests for determining whether
substantial part of work reproduced within meaning of ss. 2 and 3 of Copyright
Act – Admissibility of expert’s testimony concerning reproduction of
substantial part of work within meaning of ss. 2 and 3 of Copyright Act.
In 1982, Claude Robinson, an artist, drew the first sketches of the characters
for a proposed children’s television services to be called Robinson Curiosity.
A few years later, in 1985, the Copyright Office issued a certificate of
registration for Robinson Curiosity listing Mr. Robinson as the author of the
work and Les Productions Nilem inc. (“Nilem”), a corporation of which he was
the sole shareholder, as the owner of the work.
Starting in 1985, Mr. Robinson and Nilem stepped up their efforts for the
promotion and production of Robinson Curiosity, including with Cinar
Corporation/Cinar Films Inc., but those efforts were unsuccessful for nearly 10
years. In September 1995, however, the first episode of Robinson Sucroe, a work
produced by Cinar Corporation/Cinar Films Inc., France Animation S.A. and
Ravensburger Film + TV GmbH, was broadcast in Quebec.
Since Mr. Robinson and Nilem found similarities between their work, Robinson
Curiosity, and the work produced as Robinson Sucroe, they brought an
infringement action in the Quebec Superior Court, which allowed the action in
part. On appeal, the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld in part the Superior Court’s
findings concerning the infringers but reduced several aspects of the monetary
award made at trial, mainly on the basis of revised calculations of the profits
and punitive damages.
The case got a lot of
attention in Quebec and has some very colourful personalities and prominent
counsel involved.
For those of us of a certain age, there's always the original original by Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe from 1719:
Defoe's work gets mentioned in the judgments below.
In any event, contrary to the
expectations of some pundits, the Supreme Court of Canada has apparently not
yet lost its appetite for copyright cases.
Meanwhile, suspense builds on the outcome of the "pentalogy" from December 6 and 7, 2011, not to mention Cogeco et al v. Bell et al heard on April 17, 2012 regarding "value for signal" and the interplay between the Broadcasting and Copyright Acts.
University prevailed in 94 of the 99 initially alleged infringements:
Of the 99 alleged
infringements that Plaintiffs maintained at
the start of
trial, only 75 were submitted for post-trial findings of
fact and
conclusions of law. This Order concludes
that the
unlicensed use of
five excerpts (of four different books) infringed
– as per the Court:
VI. Relief To Be
In light of the
findings of fact and conclusions of law
contained in this
Order, Plaintiffs are DIRECTED to file, within
twenty (20) days
of entry of this Order, the proposed text of any
injunctive and
declaratory relief they seek, together with the
supporting their request. Alternative
proposals are
acceptable. Defendants may state their opposition, if
any, and may
propose one or
more alternative orders, within fifteen (15) days
after Plaintiffs’
filing. If Defendants object to
proposal(s) or if
Defendants suggest one or more alternative
order(s), the
rationale shall be stated. These filings
shall not
exceed thirty
(30) pages each.
VII. Costs and
Attorneys' Fees
Section 505 of
the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 505 provides:
In any civil
action under this title, the court in its
discretion may
allow the recovery of full costs by or
against any party
other than the United States or an
officer thereof.
. . . [T]he court may also award a
attorney's fee to the prevailing party as part
of the costs.
Both sides have
requested an award of costs and attorneys' fees
[Doc. 1 at 29;
Doc. 415 at 47 n.18; Doc. 411 at 61-62]. Consideration
of these requests
will be deferred until further order of the Court.
the Court’s own summary of its findings on fair use at p. 86:
Summary of Fair
Use Assessment
This case
involves unlicensed copying of 75 excerpts from
copyrighted books for nonprofit educational use by
professors and
students at Georgia State University in 2009. The
question whether
this constitutes a permissible fair use is resolved
primarily by
reference to 17 U.S.C. § 107 and the Supreme Court's
decision in
Campbell. The Court must consider all of the statutory
elements of §
107; none may be overlooked. However, other factors
may be
considered. There is no precise manner in which the elements
must be weighed
in relation to each other; however, it is paramount
that all factors
be weighed and considered “in light of the purposes
copyright." Campbell, 510 U.S. at 578.
Because (1) the
excerpts were used for the purpose of teaching
multiple copies for classroom use) and scholarship, as
described in the
preamble to § 107, (2) the use was for a
nonprofit educational use, as described in § 107(1)
and (3) Georgia
State is a nonprofit educational institution, fair
use factor one
weighs heavily in Defendants' favor.
Because all of
the excerpts are informational and educational in
nature and none
are fictional, fair use factor two weighs in favor of
With respect to
fair use factor three, the amount of the copying
as a percentage
of the book varies from book to book. In determining
what percentage
of a book may be copied, the Court looks first to the
between the length of the excerpt and the length of the
book as a whole.
Then, the relationship between the value of the
excerpt in
relation to the value of the book is examined. The Court
also considers
the value of a chapter in itself (rather than just a
few paragraphs).
In the case of extra long books with a large number
of chapters, a
limit on the number of chapters which may be copied is
Professors may well have a legitimate educational
reason for
wanting to use a chapter of a book; it is more apt to
contain a
complete treatment of a particular topic or subtopic than
would a few
isolated paragraphs. However, the convenience of using
whole chapters
from an over-length book may lead to an undue amount
of unpaid copying
in absolute terms.
Taking into
account the foregoing considerations in relation to
the books
involved in this case, the factor three conclusions are:
Where a book is
not divided into chapters or contains fewer than ten
chapters, unpaid
copying of no more than 10% of the pages in the book
is permissible
under factor three. The pages are counted as
previously set
forth in this Order. In practical effect, this will
allow copying of
about one chapter or its equivalent.50 Where a book
contains ten or
more chapters, the unpaid copying of up to but no
more than one
chapter (or its equivalent) will be permissible under
fair use factor
three. Excerpts which fall within these limits are
decidedly small,
and allowable as such under factor three. Access
shall be limited
only to the students who are enrolled in the course
in question, and
then only for the term of the course. Students must
be reminded of
the limitations of the copyright laws and must be
prohibited by
policy from distributing copies to others. The chapter
or other excerpt
must fill a demonstrated, legitimate purpose in the
course curriculum
and must be narrowly tailored to accomplish that
purpose. Where
the foregoing limitations are met factor three will
favor fair use,
i.e., will favor Defendants. Otherwise factor three
will favor
The Court must
also consider, under fair use factor four, the
effect of the use
in question on the potential market for or value of
the copyrighted
book. Unpaid use of a decidedly small excerpt (as
defined under
factor three) in itself will not cause harm to the
potential market
for the copyrighted book. That is because a
decidedly small
excerpt does not substitute for the book. However,
where permissions
are readily available from CCC or the publisher for
a copy of a small
excerpt of a copyrighted book, at a reasonable
price, and in a
convenient format (in this case, permissions for
excerpts), and permissions are not paid, factor four weighs
heavily in
Plaintiffs' favor. Factor four weighs in Defendants'
favor when such
permissions are not readily available.
The Court has considered whether unlicensed copying of
excerpts as contemplated by this Order would disserve the
purposes of
the copyright laws, namely, “To promote the Progress of
Science and
useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and
the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and
U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 8. Because the unpaid use of
excerpts will not discourage academic authors from
creating new
works, will have no appreciable effect on Plaintiffs'
ability to
publish scholarly works, and will promote the spread of
the Court concludes that it would not.
that the Court looks to the US Supreme Court’s 1994 decision in Campbell as the
ultimate authority regarding fair use and the interplay of the four factors. This issue arose in the recent Canadian Supreme Court K-12 case argued on December 7, 2011 and now under reserve. The issue of the status of the fourth factor and the role of Campbell became the subject of some heated discussion by Dan Glover, Ariel Katz, Bill Patry and myself recently on
this and other blogs.Once again, we have confirmation - not that it was needed - that the US "fourth factor" is simply one of four factors and in no sense the most important factor - and that, indeed, even other factors can be considered.
decision is 350 pages long. Though tempted, I’m not rushing to be the first to
analyze it in detail on this fine spring weekend.
70 The
availability of a licence is not relevant to deciding whether a dealing has
been fair. As discussed, fair dealing is
an integral part of the scheme of copyright law in Canada. Any act falling within the fair dealing
exception will not infringe copyright.
If a copyright owner were allowed to license people to use its work and
then point to a person’s decision not to obtain a licence as proof that his or
her dealings were not fair, this would extend the scope of the owner’s monopoly
over the use of his or her work in a manner that would not be consistent with
the Copyright Act’s balance between owner’s rights and user’s interests.
bear in mind that Access Copyright is refusing to provide transactional
licenses in Canada, in contrast to the CCC in the USA and arguably in
contravention of Canadian competition law. However, this point is not likely to
be vigorously pursued if it is raised at all at the Copyright Board, the way
things are now going.
all think about what, if any, impact this might have had – or still might have –
in the Access Copyright case at the Copyright Board that appears destined to
proceed against the universities without their participation, following their
abandonment by AUCC – unless things change.
The Alberta Court of Appeal just
released a very important decision yesterday about academic freedom, universities and
freedom of expression that appears very likely destined to find its way to the
Supreme Court of Canada. The case is Pridgen v. U. of Calgary 2012 ABCA 139.
It involved a widely reported incident
in which students were disciplined for making very unflattering comments on
Facebook about a particular lecturer. There were severe problems in the procedure
used to discipline the students. The Alta. Court of Appeal has just released a
judgment confirming that the disciplinary proceedings should be quashed on
purely administrative law principles.
However the main judgment by Paperny,
J.A. has some resounding language about the Charter. The other two judges concurred in the administrative law result quashing the disciplinary ruling – but wrote that it was not necessary to decide the
Charter issue in this instance.
So – according to Justice Paperny, the Charter generally and “freedom
of expression” in particular applies on university campuses in Canada. This might have become an issue if the
current Access Copyright board case were to have played out in the normal way
at the Board. It would have been interesting to see how AUCC would have dealt
with it. However, AUCC’s withdrawal and abandonment of its dissatisfied members
in the Copyright Board hearing may prevent this from airing.
At the recent Fordham conference in
NYC, I was on a panel dealing with fair use/fair dealing in which there was very intense interest between the interplay
of “freedom of speech” as the Americans call it and “freedom of expression” as
we call it on the one hand and copyright law on the other. The battle over the interplay is likely only just
Here are a couple of the key
paragraphs from Justice Paperny’s reasons:
[122] One can
no longer maintain a pastoral view of university campuses as a community of scholars
removed from the rest of society. This does not mean that a university should
not be able to direct its
own affairs, certainly in academic matters, free from government interference.
It should. Respecting
Charter rights in disciplining students will not, in my view, inhibit it in the
exercise of that
institutional independence or the exercise of academic freedom. Rather, it will
promote the institution as
a place of discourse, dialogue and the free exchange of ideas; all the
hallmarks of a credible
university and the foundation of a democratic society.
VI. Conclusion[128] The
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to the disciplinary proceedings undertaken by
the University. The decision of the Review Committee failed to take into
account the Pridgens’
right to freedom of expression under the Charter. The decision breached the
Pridgens’ freedom of
expression and cannot be saved by section 1. Moreover, the Review Committee’s decision was
unreasonable from an administrative law perspective. The decision of the
chambers judge to quash
the Review Committee’s decision is upheld and the appeal of the University is dismissed.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren's first question and
answer session with Ms. Maria A. Pallante, Register of Copyrights for
the U.S. Copyright Office, about her November 2011 meetings with motion
picture executives in Los Angeles. After returning to Washington, DC,
Ms. Pallante essentially endorsed the controversial SOPA legislation
being considered at the time.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren's second question and
answer session with Ms. Maria A. Pallante, Register of Copyrights for
the U.S. Copyright Office, about meetings in New York City and Los
Angeles and their relationship to controversial SOPA legislation being
considered at the time. In light of recent news reports of allegations
by a former Library of Congress employee claiming he was fired because
of his sexual orientation, Rep. Lofgren ended her Q&A session by
asking each of the division heads testifying to say what steps they are
taking to ensure employees are not discriminated against based on race,
religion, gender or sexual orientation.
Rep. Lofgren is the top Democrat on the Oversight Subcommittee.
I have been provided with a very recent AUCC (“Association
of Canadian Universities and Colleges of Canada”) Q&A sent to its members regarding
its April 16, 2012 deal with Access Copyright (“AC”). Many members of AUCC are very
concerned about the #ACdeal (Twitter hash tag). Presumably most of the three
dozen or so “opt-out” institutions and many of the others are unhappy. I will
call them “dissenters” – even though they may even be a majority of the AUCC
membership. The basic irony is that they didn’t even get a chance to dissent
because there was no opportunity for them to discuss the deal. Does this Q&A
document answer their understandable questions?
Here is the original Q&A. My own comments are interlineated below in red italic bold
faced font.
As this blog always points out and occasionally emphasizes, this is NOT
legal advice. These comments are far from detailed. This is not the forum to go
into detail.
Questions and Answers
1.Q What are the advantages of the AUCC settlement with Access
A The model license provides long-term certainty
on price, and access to a new range of digital materials. Most importantly, it
respects the principles of academic freedom and privacy and ensures that the
administrative burden on institutions is minimized.
The price is very high – arguably too
high by a factor of several hundred per cent - to justify such “lock in”.
The model license does not provide
access to a new range of digital materials; it does not provide access to any
work to which a university has not already secured lawful access (s. 4(d)).
AC’s own chain of title to most digital
material is very doubtful.
AC will turn post-secondary institutions
into auditors and enforcers on its behalf.
2.Q Is the fee of $26 per FTE a reasonable rate?
A The fee reflects current market rates under other copying
agreements between universities and copyright collectives. For example, the
current photocopying licence between the Quebec collective Copibec and Quebec
universities requires payment of an annual fee of $25.50 per Full-Time
Equivalent (FTE) Student. In addition, the agreements signed recently with
Access Copyright by the University of Toronto and Western University, which
also cover paper and digital copies, require annual payments of $27.50 per FTE.
It is very unlikely that the Copyright Board will certify a final tariff fee
for universities that is significantly lower than the market rate negotiated by AUCC.
Prices imposed by a publishers’ collective
cartel that uses the Copyright Board proceedings as a threat are not “market”
The Copibec rate derives from a
distinct regime in which many aspects are not applicable outside of Quebec.
The UofT and Western deals are highly
controversial. Few persons other than those directly responsible consider these
to be “good deals” or reflective of a “market rate”.
The fact that the Board may yet certify
a higher tariff is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
A good benchmark for what is the “market”
price is what the Copyright Clearance Center (“CCC”) charges universities in the US. In most cases
it is zero because very few universities purchase blanket licenses from the
CCC. Where licenses are in place in the
USA, they are typically
about $3.75 per student per year.
3.Q With the apparent decline of the use of course packs, should
the fees have gone
down from the amounts paid under the photocopying licence with
A There has been a significant migration of copying for course packs
to digital copying for use on course websites. The AUCC model licence allows
digital copying to fill gaps in the coverage of the digital site licences that universities have signed.
The photocopying licence with Access Copyright did not cover digital
AC is believed to have very limited
rights to deal with digital copying on
behalf of third parties.
Most institutions already pay a lot of
money for licenses that allow for digital copying. How many times do they need
to pay for the same thing?
Note all the restrictions on Digital
Copies in s. 5 – most notably the obligation to destroy any Digital Copies of
Repertoire Works stored on a Secure Network if the license should expire.
4.Q Who will pay the fee of $26 per FTE?
A In certain provinces, institutions must absorb the fee because of
provincial restrictions on
increases in student fees. In other jurisdictions, either the institution
or the students, or a
combination of the two, will pay the fee depending on local
True. But this totally begs the
question of why AUCC took upon itself the right to effectively mandate a “one
size fits all” regime that will in many cases pass along costs to students with
no effective voice and in many other cases impose large costs on AUCC members that
were not consulted at all.
5.Q Does the definition of “Copy” in the AUCC model licence mean
that AUCC accepts that posting a hyperlink to a digital copy is the same as
authorizing the making of a copy and requires a licence?
A Despite the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada in a recent
defamation case, Crookes v. Newton, it is still an open issue in Canadian law
whether posting a hyperlink could make a person liable for authorizing the copying of the digital work. The
definition of “Copy” in the model licence makes the licence and the indemnity very broad in
scope. Another provision in the model licence clarifies that AUCC has
accepted this definition on a “without prejudice” basis and reserves the right to take a different
position on the meaning of the term in any other proceeding.
It would be very surprising if a
Canadian court were to hold that mere linking could possibly give rise to
“authorizing the copying of the digital work”. If this wasn’t obvious before the 2011 Supreme
Court of Canada decision in Crookes v. Newton, it should be quite clear by now.
AUCC reserves the right to take a
different position in other proceedings? That is ironic, given AUCC’s handling
of this proceeding. It does not explain why AUCC would agree, even in a
qualified way, to an important legal conclusion that is, at the very least, almost
certainly invalid.
6.Q Does the model licence require that royalties be paid for
copying that may be done without permission, e.g. fair dealing?
A The payment under the licence is not for copying that may by [sic] done
without permission. The preamble on the first page of the model licence states
clearly that the licence does not apply to copying under fair dealing or any
other statutory exception. Nor does the licence payment cover uses that are
licenced directly from publishers or other copyright collectives.
We must take AUCC’s word for this.
However, this defies the apparent facts. What we do know is that 8 years
following the CCH v. LSUC decision from the Supreme Court of Canada that
explicitly recognized “large and liberal” “users’ rights” re fair dealing, AUCC
has, for whatever reason, conceded that the basic rate should go UP by 800% and
not down by an appropriate multiple.
It is clear that, for practical
purposes, the model license greatly weakens the concept of fair dealing and users’
rights. The model license offers very little, if anything, beyond what
universities are already permitted to do under the licenses that they have in
place and under fair dealing, and any university who signs the model license
will have to ensure compliance with the license provisions that may be much
more narrow than fair dealing rights.(e.g. the right to permanently store
electronic copies for research and private study, when this would be “fair
We also know that fair dealing
shrinks from disuse. Most American universities, which are normally eager to
assert their rights, don’t have any agreement with an organization such as AC,
and those that occasionally obtain licenses from the CCC pay fees that are
miniscule in comparison.
7.Q Would it have been better to wait until after Bill C-11, the
Copyright Modernization Act, becomes law and the Supreme Court of Canada rules on fair
dealing in K-12 schools before AUCC settled with Access Copyright?
A Bill C-11 and the upcoming Supreme Court decision on fair dealing
are unlikely to affect the need to secure a licence for copying required
readings for students for inclusion either in course packs or on course websites. Required readings is the
principal category of copying covered by the model blanket licence agreement.
The imminently pending Supreme Court decisions
and and enactment of Bill C-11 are clearly and crucially relevant to the issues at hand. Given
the decisions to date by the Copyright Board and the Federal Court of Appeal in
the K-12 case and this case, things almost certainly will only get better when Bill
C-11 passes (which expressly includes “education” as a fair dealing purpose)
and the Supreme Court K-12 decision has been delivered. That decision will almost
certainly deal with whether copying “required” or prescribed readings is ipso
facto unfair, as the Copyright Board ruled, and other directly relevant issues.
The fact that the AUCC believes that
Bill C-11 or the Supreme Court ruling will have little effect on what
universities are doing is astonishing. AC
itself clearly believes otherwise, as shown by their enormous lobbying efforts
and the positions taken by AC and its supporters in the Supreme Court.
8.Q Will the proposed survey under the AUCC model licence permit
Access Copyright to
monitor the electronic correspondence of students and faculty?
A The proposed survey under the AUCC model licence will respect the
principles of academic freedom and privacy. The agreement explicitly states
that the survey will not provide access to chat rooms or e-mails of the AUCC
member, or of its students or academic staff. The Copyright Board tariff
proceedings would likely have required more onerous and invasive disclosures of
AUCC still has some basic issues to work
this out with AC on this pursuant to clause 11 of the model agreement. Given recent events, do institutions still
trust AUCC to represent their best interests and to bind them on this
fundamental issue that could generate grievances galore by faculty?
Why did the AUCC effectively concede
that the Board would have the power to require more onerous and invasive
measures instead of challenging this assumption and stand up for the rights of
9.Q Will the AUCC model licence restrict access to educational
A The AUCC model licence increases access to educational material by
providing the right to copy a new range of digital materials that were unavailable under the
previous photocopying licences. For AUCC members that had opted out of the Interim Tariff,
the model licence agreement will allow the digital copying of works for which they were
unable to obtain transactional (pay-per-use) permission from the copyright owner.
The transactional license issue is
quite possibly ultimately winnable – but the setbacks to date have seriously prejudiced
AUCC members.
Direct licensing - including with AC when it has the necessary
rights – would be far more efficient for both users and author/publishers.
10.Q Is there an advantage to having the AUCC model licence
continue until December
31, 2015, two years after the first Access Copyright tariff
A The longer term gives AUCC members and their students certainty in
the royalty rate for a longer period than the term of the tariff. It also provides AUCC
members with a longer period in which to establish appropriate copying policies and
procedures, and to ensure that faculty, staff and students comply with those policies and
Not to mention a longer period of time
for AC to get entrenched as a Copyright Board regulated monopolist and to use revenues
from its 800% increase to seek yet higher tariffs, lobby for narrower users’
rights, and build a war chest to further intimidate administrators of any
university that decides to take its users’ rights seriously.
11.Q Why was AUCC unable to consult with its members during the
negotiation of the
model licence?
A The AUCC negotiating team members were under strict confidentiality
in a framework
agreed to by both the AUCC and Access Copyright Boards of Directors.
Neither AUCC nor Access Copyright was permitted to share information about the
negotiations with their respective members.
This answer is frankly completely
circular. It seems that AC had to keep everyone in the dark because it agreed
to keep everyone in the dark.
Given that this is a “negotiated settlement”
in a context that puts immense pressure on universities to accept, it is
surprising that AUCC members were simply informed after the fact.
12.Q Why has AUCC dropped its opposition to the tariff?
A It is unlikely the Copyright Board will approve a tariff fee for
universities that is significantly lower than the market rate fee negotiated by
AUCC. In addition, the Copyright Board has already ruled against AUCC’s request
that it amend the Interim Tariff to add a transactional licence, and the courts
refused to intervene on the basis that the decision of the Copyright Board is
an interim decision.
For many reasons, some of which have
been suggested, this is far from being a “market rate”. The fact that AUCC has
agreed to a model license that supposedly reflects “market rates” will indeed
make it very difficult for dissenting universities to do better at the Copyright
Board. Such dissenters would need to show that these rates are not “market
As indicated, if AUCC had provided the
necessary evidence at the right time, it might have been possible to have dealt
successfully with the transactional license issue. However, this is not what
While some may blame UofT and Western
for setting the precedent, Paul Davidson has admitted that the decision to cut
a deal was made before the UofT/Western deal was announced.
If AUCC had secured AC’s consent to
withdraw the tariff application
regarding AUCC’s members, then the institutions that don’t want the
model license would have the clear option of continuing on an “opt-out” basis.
Instead, AUCC agreed to AC’s pressure tactics that are intended to secure an effectively
mandatory and even more onerous certified tariff at the end of the day.
13.Q Why was it important for AUCC to negotiate an agreement
A The recent decision of the Federal Court of Appeal not to intervene
in interim proceedings of the Copyright Board meant that the Board's previous orders for
AUCC members to provide information relevant to the proceedings became binding. Had
AUCC not reached agreement with Access Copyright on a model licence, AUCC members
would have been required to embark on an invasive, time-consuming and expensive work
to respond to interrogatories and likely participate in an onerous survey.
AUCC failed initially to even try to
seek review of the interim tariff. (This was no ordinary “interlocutory” or “procedural”
matter. It raised serious jurisdiction and fairness issues that might have resulted in a successful judicial
review application). AUCC could have limited the need for interrogatory responses
to only a representative sample of its membership, as the Board itself
suggested. It did neither.
Again, the AUCC concedes that the
Board has powers that it may not actually possess, if challenged.
In any case, this seems to contradict
Q&A #15 below.
14.Q What is the purpose of the retroactive payment provisions
under the model licence?
A AUCC negotiated a fair retroactivity formula in the agreement with
Access Copyright that provides for very deep discounts to payments for the use of digital works
that was not covered by the Interim Tariff and to cover the value of the
indemnity, which is retroactive back to January 1, 2011. This indemnity provides an additional degree
of retroactive protection for inadvertent infringement involving works within Access
Copyright’s repertoire.
All AUCC members have either been
paying under the interim tariff or direct licensing on their own after opting
out. There is arguably no need and no good justification for ANY retroactive
It appears that the retroactivity
discounts are simply part of the pressure tactics to which AUCC unfortunately agreed.
15.Q Can the Copyright Board order institutions that do not sign
licences with Access
Copyright to respond to interrogatories or participate in a
survey of copying?
A Because AUCC has withdrawn from the Copyright Board proceedings,
the Board no longer has any jurisdiction to order AUCC to secure responses from its
member institutions to interrogatories or their participation in a survey. AUCC members are
not parties to the proceedings. In previous proceedings the Copyright Board has ruled
that its powers are not unlimited, and that it probably does not have the power to order
non-parties to the proceedings to answer questions or to participate in a survey,
otherwise than by ordering them to appear at the hearing as a witness under a subpoena. The
Copyright Board has never
exercised its power to issue a subpoena.
AUCC could have limited the need to
respond to interrogatories in the first instance to a small sample of its members
as the Board itself suggested, but made no attempt to do so.
The Board is presumably still
expecting a report on May 7, 2012 on the progress of a negotiated survey. This
was promised
to the Copyright Board by AUCC counsel on April 16, 2012 - the same day the "negotiated settlement" was announced
AUCC has put its members in an
apparently paradoxical and very difficult position here. It seems to suggest on
the one hand that the Board lacks the power to make rulings on interrogatories
and surveys that are apparently in the works binding on individual institutions.
Even if this is right, it fails to address the fact that the Board’s apparently
intends to proceed on a default basis at the instance of AC and with
AUCC’s blessing to certify what will surely be a harsh tariff, if there is no voice for the dissenting universities
in the Board hearing.
AUCC does not begin to address the
very serious practical, financial, and legal difficulties that its abrupt
withdrawal from the Board hearing will cause to its membership today, tomorrow
and well into the future.
AUCC would still seem
to have many questions to answer to its dozens of members that this Q&A
does not even begin to address.
However, now is the
time – and potentially an existential moment in time at that - for damage
control and, if so desired, a counterattack by dissenting institutions. Further
questions and answers will have to come later.