In an unusually trenchant costs award,
Justice Barnes of the Federal Court has ruled that Blacklock’s must pay the taxpayers of Canada an “all-inclusive
amount of $65,000 plus interest….” This follows decisively upon Blacklock’s clear loss in the
first case
of what I have called a “litany of litigation” of 11 lawsuits against the Government
of Canada and/or its agencies, not to mention several other cases against other parties
in the Federal and Ontario courts.
The Court accepted
that the Government was entitled to costs based on the mid-level of Column III and
double the otherwise payable costs from the date of its early settlement offer
of $2,000, which was “...more than double the cost of individual subscriptions
for each of the Department of Finance officials who received and read the
subject articles over which Blacklock's claimed copyright protection.”
The Court observed
[7] …I also reject the Plaintiff's argument
that this case raised "strong public interest considerations".
Rather, this case was about the Plaintiff's attempt to recover disproportionate damages without any
apparent consideration to the legal merits of the claim or to the costs that it
imposed on the taxpayers of Canada.
[8] Any reporter with the barest understanding of copyright law could not
have reasonably concluded that the Department's limited use of the subject news
articles represented a copyright infringement. Indeed, the fair dealing
protection afforded by section 29 of the Copyright Act, RSC, 1985, c C-42, is
so obviously applicable to the acknowledged facts of this case that the litigation
should never have been commenced let alone carried to trial.
(highlight added)
The Court went on to
say that:
[9] I am also troubled by Plaintiff's attempt
to claim an excessive amount of damages beginning with its demand for
compensation completely divorced from the Department's limited use of the two
articles. In no circumstances would Blacklock's losses have exceeded the cost
of individual subscriptions by the six officials who read the articles; yet
Blacklock's demanded a license fee equivalent to its bulk subscription rate of
over $17,000.00. This
practice appears to be consistent with Blacklock's usual approach which is to
hunt down, by Access to Information requests, alleged infringers and then
demand compensation based on an unwarranted and self-serving assertion of
indiscriminate and wide-spread infringement. The record discloses that in several
instances government departments acquiesced for business reasons and paid the
full amounts demanded. In this instance the Department appropriately took a
hard line and succeeded in its defence.
(highlight added)
Canadian Courts are
increasingly using costs award to send messages that may encourage meritorious
litigation or discourage the type of litigation that "should never have been
commenced let alone carried to trial.”
While the Ontario
courts tend to award amounts closer to actual costs, the Federal Court is
headed in that direction – for better or worse. As long as the judges have
discretion and use it wisely, the Federal Court mechanism for costs can generally
mete out justice fairly.
In this case, the Court moderated the amount
claimed by the Government, which was “$115,702.30, based on 70% of the actual value
of professional hours expended in the defence of the claim and including
disbursements of $7,020.98.”
Costs awards are usually very
hard to appeal successfully – especially one such as this where Justice Barnes
has provided ample reasoning and a detailed calculation in Annex “A”. It will be interesting to see how Blacklock’s
clear, convincing and un-appealed loss in its first Federal Court case together
with this notable costs award will affect the remainder of Blacklock’s “litany
of litigation”. Indeed, it will be interesting to see whether Blacklock’s
proceeds at all in view of these recent substantive and costs rulings.
It is difficult, given
the time of year and the circumstances, not to think about a “lump of coal” –
indeed 65,000 of them. However, the
Federal Court – while refraining to date from ruling on copyright misuse or
abuse – is clearly sending a strong message to Blacklock’s.