92 Statutory Review of the Copyright Act Review
10, 2018
The following is based
upon my presentation[1] on November 28, 2018 to the House of Commons
INDU Committee for its s. 92 Statutory Review of the Copyright Act Review. I may
take the liberty of seeking to provide further detail, modification, or clarification
in the next weeks or months on some of the more technical aspects of this
2. We need to clarify that copyright
board tariffs are not mandatory for users
The elephant in the room is the issue of whether Copyright Board tariffs
are mandatory. They are not. I successfully argued that case in the Supreme
Court of Canada (“SCC”) three years ago[2] – but most of the
copyright establishment is in denial or actively resisting. A tariff that sets
the maximum for a train ticket from Ottawa to Toronto is fine – and we used to
have such tariffs before deregulation. But travellers were always free to take
the plane, bus, their own car, a limousine, their bicycle or use any other
legal and likely unregulated means.
There is intense litigation ongoing between Access
Copyright and York University – now in the appellate stage and other litigation
in the Federal Court involving school boards. Unfortunately, York failed in the
trial court to address the issue of whether final approved tariffs are mandatory.[3] Hopefully, the FCA and
maybe the SCC if necessary will get this right in due course. But we can’t be sure,
and the other side is lobbying you heavily on this issue, including with such
devious and disingenuous suggestions as imposing a statutory minimum damages
regime of 3 – 10 the tariff amount on the totally inappropriate basis of symmetry with
the SOCAN regime – which is the way it is for good reasons that go back more
than 80 years but would be totally inappropriate for tariffs outside the
performing rights regime.
I urge you to codify and clarify what the SCC has said in 2015, consistently
in turn with previous SCC and other jurisprudence going back decades – that
Copyright Board tariffs are mandatory only for collectives but optional for
users, who remain free to choose how they can best legally clear their
copyright needs.
For greater certainty, it
is deemed always
to have been the law
that a grant of an exclusive
in a copyright constitutes the grant
an interest in the copyright by licence.
1985, c. C-42, s. 13; 1997, c. 24, s. 10; 2012, c. 20, s. 7.
(highlight added)
I am suggesting that Parliament should now declare
For greater certainty, it is deemed always to have been the law
that when the Copyright Board approves or certifies a tariff, whether interim
or final, the collective to which that tariff applies cannot demand higher
royalties or demand more onerous related terms and conditions than those
approved by the Board, but the duty to pay such royalties and comply with their
related terms and condition applies only to a user who has paid or offered to
pay the royalties under such a tariff. A user who has not offered to pay such
royalties may nonetheless be liable for copyright infringement.
(highlight added)
3. We need to keep current fair dealing purposes in s. 29 and include the words “such as”
The SCC had already included the concept of education in fair dealing before
the 2012 amendment kicked in. For 42 years, The USA has allowed for fair use “for purposes such as
criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for
classroom use)”. (emphasis and
highlight added). I ask you to ignore siren calls urging
you to delete the word “education” from s. 29 and urge you to add the two
little words “such as”. This works in the USA and will work here too.
4. We Need to Ensure that fair dealing
rights cannot be overridden by contract
SCC has said in Royal
Trust v. Potash, [1986] 2 SCR 351, 1986
CanLII 34 (SCC)) that consumers cannot lose their statutory rights by
contracting out or waiver in the case of, for example, paying off a mortgage
after 5 years. We need to clarify and codify a
similar principle that fair dealing rights and other important exceptions
cannot be lost by contracting out or by waiver.
5. We need to explicitly make technical protection measures (“TPM”) provisions subject to fair dealing
need to clarify “for greater certainty” that users’ fair dealing rights apply
to circumvention of technical protection measures – at least for fair dealing
purposes in s. 29 and for many if not all of other exceptions provided in the
legislation as appropriate. This could be done by inserting a new section
41.1(5) (based upon current numbering) along the following lines:
greater certainty, it is deemed always to have been the law that s.
41.1(1) does not apply to any acts permitted by sections 29, 29.1 and 29.2.[4]
6. We need mitigation for the nation
need to mitigate the damage done by copyright term extension under both the
Harper government (as deeply buried in an omnibus budget bill) and by this
Government in the USMCA. These concessions could cost Canada hundreds of
millions a year – and must be given now to the EU and all our other WTO TRIPs
treaty partners because of the most favoured nation and national treatment principles
to which Canada is bound.
One small but useful mitigation measure might be the imposition of renewal
requirements and fees for those extra years of protection that are NOT required
by the Berne Convention.[5]
7. We need to look carefully at enforcement issues
7. We need to look carefully at enforcement issues
know you are under immense pressure from some very well-funded and powerful lobbyists
and lawyers on website blocking. I am not convinced that we need any new
legislation on this issue, but I am looking into it carefully and may perhaps
write about this issue further in another forum, and, if so, will provide you a
copy of whatever I may publish. In the meantime, you should be looking at the
existing (not the controversial proposed) provisions in s. 115A of the
Australian Copyright Act and UK case law.
existing provision in s. 115A of the Australian Copyright
Act has been considered by the Federal Court
of Australia in Television Broadcasts Limited v Telstra Corporation Limited
[2018] FCA 1434[6].
Committee may also wish to look at recent UK jurisprudence concerning website
blocking, which is based upon s. 97A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988 of the UK.[7]
Australian and UK jurisprudence are important reference points because they
feature the involvement of superior court common law judges using statutes that
ultimately derive from the same legislative DNA as Canada’s Copyright Act, namely the UK Copyright
Act of 1911. This jurisprudence shows evident concern for the rule of
law and natural justice, which was plainly lacking in FairPlay’s proposal to
the CRTC that was rightly rejected on jurisdictional grounds. The injunctions
are limited in scope and duration. They show concern for such issues as they
“primary purpose” of the website(s) in question.
is far from clear that Canada needs special legislation to address website
blocking. The controversial decision of the SCC in Google Inc. v. Equustek Solutions Inc.,
[2017] 1 SCR 824, 2017 SCC 34 if
anything already goes further than necessary to protect IP owners, including
copyright owners and confirms the jurisdiction of superior courts to issue worldwide
deindexing orders. This case was launched by a presumably relatively small
business. The litigants pursuing worldwide website blocking orders and the
backers of FairPlay are in many cases very large vertically integrated corporations
that can well afford to litigate in the normal manner with full regard for due
process and the rule of law. Sweeping injunctions – especially those with an
extraterritorial reach – are very exceptional and must not be dispensed
routinely and certainly never by an administrative tribunal (including the Copyright
Board) or anyone other than a superior court judge.
may need to somehow address the issue of mass litigation against thousands of
ordinary Canadians who happen to “associated with an IP address that is the
subject of a notice under s. 41.26(1)(a)” and who are alleged to have infringed
a movie that could be streamed or downloaded for a few dollars.[8]
This litigation is not “akin to a parking ticket”.[9]
There are systematic efforts to extract “settlements” of thousands of dollars from
terrified internet account holders who may never have heard of BitTorrent until
they get that dreaded registered mail letter. These efforts may succeed in many
cases because access to justice is very difficult in these circumstances. If
the government would only do its job on the notice and notice regulations, that
might be a good start.
8. We need to repeal the blank media
levy scheme
We need to get rid of the
zombie-like levy scheme Part VIII of the Copyright Act and stop listening to
the big three multinational record companies who continually conjure new kinds
of taxes on digital devices, ISPs, internet users, the cloud, and whatever else
looks lucrative. Even the USA doesn’t entertain such fantasies.
9. We need to stop this five years
review ritual
have had two major and two medium scale revisions to Canadian law in the last
100 years a few more focused ones in between. There is no need for periodic
copyright policy review. It is lucrative for lobbyists and lawyers but is a
waste of time – including Parliament’s time. Reacting reflexively and
prematurely to new technology is usually very dangerous. If we had listened to
the whining of the film industry in the early 80’s, the VCR would have become
illegal and Hollywood as we know it might have committed economic suicide. Who
of us of a certain age can forget the words of Jack Valenti,
the famous Hollywood lobbyist, who told Congress “I say to you that the VCR is
to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler
is to the woman home alone.”
issues can be addressed as needed, which is the way most other countries cope
with copyright.
[1] In my own capacity and not on behalf of any client
[2] Canadian Broadcasting
Corp. v. SODRAC 2003 Inc.,
[2015] 3 SCR 615, 2015 SCC 57. See
paras. 101 – 113. The factum presented to the SCC as prepared by myself, Prof.
Ariel Katz and Prof. David Lametti, as he then was, is available here.
[3] See
Ariel Katz, Access
Copyright v. York University: An Anatomy of a Predictable But Avoidable Loss,
July 26, 2017 blog,
[4] The Committee may wish to
recommend inclusion in the suggested provision of some or all of the additional
“users’ rights” provisions included in ss. 29.21 to 30.04 of the current
[5] Gangjee, Dev S., Copyright
Formalities: A Return to Registration? (July 30, 2016). In R Giblin and
K Weatherall (eds), What if We Could Reimagine Copyright? (ANU Press, 2017)
213.. Available at SSRN:
[7] The Football Association Premier
League Ltd v British Telecommunications Plc & Ors [2017] EWHC 480 (Ch) (13
March 2017); Union Des Associations
Européennes De Football v British Telecommunications Plc & Ors [2017] EWHC 3414 (Ch) 9 (21
December 2017); The Football
Association Premier League Ltd v British Telecommunications Plc & Ors [2018] EWHC 1828
(Ch) (18 July 2018); Matchroom Boxing Ltd & Anor
v British Telecommunications Plc & Ors [2018] EWHC 2443 (Ch) (20
September 2018)
[9] See also Howard Knopf, Voltage Pictures and the
Massive Mass Litigation Mess in Canada, October 19, 2018 blog,